Caricature to me is more than just capturing a face. I like to show people my preliminary sketches to see if I am on the mark. First, the person must know the subject (duh.) If the person recognizes the subject immediately, that's a good sign. If the person goes "Well it kinda looks like so-and-so," then that's a start. If the person says "Beats me" or guesses the completely wrong person, back to the drawing board I go. The moral: get feedback.
I have seen some of the best caricaturists at theme parks working alongside some of the worst. For a good example of the range of styles and talent out there go to Tom Richmond's page. Tom is a awesome artist and accomplished (pro) caricaturist. He had the brilliant idea of posting pictures of himself on his website along with caricatures done of him (some made from the his pics off the net.) He has received art from the likes of Hirshfield, Drucker and Krueger (The "Big Three") along with unsolicited amatuer stuff. This is the best gallery I have seen on the net, hands down. Do yourself a favor and stop by: The "Me" Gallery |

I hope to post some of the caricatures I have done over the years along with the pictures of my victims for comparison's sake. Although I don't like to draw celebrities, I might sketch a few for the gallery eventually.
I like to do caricature and consider it one of my better areas. I like to capture a person's personality in many different ways and use different styles for different subjects. I do it for fun and only on rare occasions do I take a commission.
The first drawing on the left was a commission piece, who asked me to keep his ex-girlfriend out of the pic. (haha)
Most of the images on this page are copyrighted material posted with the permission of my clients for others to see. They are not for copy, reprint, post or any use exept as authorized by owner. All images are digitally watermarked. Thanks for respecting the rights and property of others. |
Copyright 1998-2003 TenNinetySeven! Graphics |
This is a very rough caricature I did with a #2 pencil of a guy at work.
I like to play with it a little to "tweak" it before I ink. You can see the erase marks and rough lines along with the crude shading (which I was never good at.) This is usually the second step in the process of doing a piece. The first step is usually a quick likeness scribbled on the back of a form, a post-it note, or dirty napkin (see below).
I hope to get permission from the victim so I can put a photo of him up for comparison's sake.
This is a typically what happens to blank paper when I am bored and how all my stuff is born. I think this was the back of a log sheet.

Caricature to me is more than just capturing a face. I like to show people my preliminary sketches to see if I am on the mark. First, the person must know the subject (duh.) If the person recognizes the subject immediately, that's a good sign. If the person goes "Well it kinda looks like so-and-so," then that's a start. If the person says "Beats me" or guesses the completely wrong person, back to the drawing board I go. The moral: get feedback.
I have seen some of the best caricaturists at theme parks working alongside some of the worst. For a good example of the range of styles and talent out there go to Tom Richmond's page. Tom is a awesome artist and accomplished (pro) caricaturist. He had the brilliant idea of posting pictures of himself on his website along with caricatures done of him (some made from the his pics off the net.) He has received art from the likes of Hirshfield, Drucker and Krueger (The "Big Three") along with unsolicited amatuer stuff. This is the best gallery I have seen on the net, hands down. Do yourself a favor and stop by: The "Me" Gallery |

This is a header for a comic strip I did for the Black Rock Gazette at the Burningman festival. It is a very simple caricature of the founder, Larry Harvey, who is never without his Stetson or a cigarette.
It was well received by the staff, and even Larry (I hear.) |
Boris Yeltzin? Tip O'Neill? Ted Kennedy? You be the judge. Actually It's Ted, but I am not entirely happy with it.
This was done for Webcomics with a certain set of criteria... hence the lack of humor!